What’s your favorite coffee? Which benefit from your morning mug do you appreciate most? Comment below 🙂

This is my go-to when it comes to store bought coffee. I love that it also has protein inside. Good Stuff!! Oh and you can get it on https://www.amazon.com/. I love how Amazon has almost everything, what a time saver! I still love my https://www.starbucks.com/ but I can’t wait in that long line all the time. Ain’t got time for that. But if I do then I get 4 shots over Ice with White Chocolate Mocha 🙂

Did you know that coffee can vanquish your cellulite or remove your raccoon eyes in an instant? Coffee also has antioxidants called polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids which can help fight the aging process. CHEERS! DRINK UP!

Turn Your Tub Into A Spa

Do you make bath time a super relaxing experience? Candles? Music? Fancy Bubbles ? I find myself always making homemade treats for my body that have been great for helping my skin stay soft. Today I’d like to share a simple scrub with my lovely subscribers 🙂 I make it by using coffee (a caffeinated body scrub can help with circulation, collagen production, and temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite)


So I make coffee & then I mix the used coffee grounds with #coconutoil in a jar & let it soak together overnight. The next day I use it in the shower & gently massage it into my skin! It’s completely worth the mess you make in the shower lol. One of my dreams is to have my own line of beauty products (Dream Big) I can’t wait for that dream to come true!