Mom Hack

 So I have thick very wavy hair that takes about forty five minutes to one hour to straighten with a flat iron. I was blown away at how this tool magically gave me a salon quality blowout under 30 minutes. Considering I work and have two small children in the home, I have no time to get ready. When I come across any tools that help me cut down the amount of time it takes for me look presentable, I am so down. MOM APPROVED! If you have any tools that you can recommend please let a Momma know 🙂


Read this on Tumblr 

If a boy invites you over and doesn’t introduce you to his family, run. He doesn’t plan on keeping you around. 

When you get your heart broken, let it hurt. Don’t try to hide the pain or get rid of it with drugs and alcohol. Let your heart hurt so it can grow.

Nothing ends like the movies, so don’t expect it to.

 Go to school, do your work, do your homework, even if you don’t plan on going to college. You’ll feel a lot better when you do it.

 Don’t forget your friends when you’re in a relationship. That’s just a shitty thing to do so don’t do it.

Be nice to your cashier, they’re trying their best. And tip your waitor/waitress. Most of the time that is most of what they take home.

Don’t let social media ruin your chances of a college education or a job. Nothing on the internet is worth that.

 Call your grandmother every once in awhile. She probably misses you and it’ll brighten her day.

Try to be the happiest you can be. You only have one life so live it to the fullest.

Don’t let your fears hold you back from something you’ve always wanted to do. You never know if you’ll get the chance to do said thing again.

 Don’t let anyone take you away from yourself. You and your happiness are your number one priority. Always. 

Spread Your Wings and Fly Butterfly

Sometimes things have to get really bad in order for them to get really good. 

There is a song by Mariah Carey called “Butterfly” 😊 She is one of my favorite artists & her music has touched my heart in so many ways. I have a butterfly tattoo on my back lol yes I really love em.  
I think of my mom everytime I see a beautiful butterfly ❤️ She’s free and beautiful just like a Butterfly 

Wendy Williams Says “Marriage And Babies” Will Stunt Your Career Growth!

images-1I love Wendy, she’s witty, smart, personable, & hardworking. I love watching her show when I can. Wendy is married, has a son, & a great career.

BUT Marriage & Children do not stunt your career Wendy. She is right to an extent, but there are exceptions, and no one broad stroke is right for everyone! I believe balance is a technique that can be learned thru experience & where can successfully find everything. In my particular situation my husband & I work together and we have found our balance.

I believe each woman is different & everything is not for everybody. And when you have a good man he encourages you to follow your dreams & goals. And when you have a good woman she will encourage you to follow your dreams & goals.

It’s really sad when women judge women I mean why can’t we support & encourage each other? A stay at home mother is not better than a mother who has a career & vice versa.


In My Opinion

It’s okay for women to work & have their family, mom, trusted babysitter to help them out. If a woman says she doesn’t need help with raising her baby she is a liar. Everyone needs help with their baby it is tough & my heart goes out to all the single mothers out there who don’t have the luxury of having family/friends/babysitters to help them.

When you meet a wonderful person and marriage is the next step, you have to be clear about the finances, religious practices, child rearing concepts, and YOUR future individual goals

What is right for one person is not right for another person. We don’t have the same DNA, we are all human yet we are all different.

Women are individuals, starting a family after 30 is a personal choice

There is no way you can judge a stay at home mother

There is no way you can judge a mother who also wants to have her own career

Judging people doesn’t define who they are, It defines who you are

I Love This Song

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And I love this sweatshirt!

DJ Amen is awesome for creating this piece (he’s such a sweet guy) You’re Gonna Go Far Kid.

Believe it or not nice people still exist in the world.

Yes I love all types of music

Especially hip hop

Yes I am a hip hop head 

“Put it on louder”

#HIPHOP always & forever
